Don’t be part of ‘the Human experiment’!
Last night I had the privilege to attend the premier of Sean Penn’s documentary ‘the Human Experiment’. I knew this is not going to be a ‘light’ film- the topic of proliferation of chemicals in the environment and in our bodies is very familiar to me, however, I was still shocked and saddened by just how deep a hole the human race has dug for itself.
I was also VERY angry. Angry for my friends who are suffering from different types of cancers before they’ve hit 45 and for a whole generation of OUR kids whose life expectancy- for the first time in recent history – is expected to be lower than that of our generation.
It is no accident that the rates of many types of cancers (especially hormonal like breast and prostate cancers and childhood cancers like leukemia), autoimmune disorders, reproductive issues, autism and learning disorders as well as asthma and diabetes have significantly risen over the last 3-4 decades. Of course what we eat and drink has a huge impact and that is why I have chosen to study nutrition and to educate and broadcast the clean eating message. However, people often forget that the environmental impact on our bodies is also very significant.
Over the last 100 years, many thousands of new chemicals have been introduced into industry and the environment that have never existed in human history. From pesticides on our produce to petroleum materials in our cleaning products to BPA laden plastic baby bottles and cans- chemicals are everywhere. These chemicals actually remain in our body tissues and get passed on from mother to baby.
“Researchers have found more than 300 chemicals in the umbilical cord blood of newborn babies, rendering them pre-polluted even before birth” (‘The Human Experiment’).
Chemicals in cosmetics (that we put daily on our face), personal care products and fragrances (that we shower with and put all over our bodies), cleaning products (that we spray all over the house to ‘kill germs’), laundry products (that make clothes ‘smell nice’), children’s toys, building materials, cars, plastic bottles, etc – are never tested on a long term basis and almost never tested on humans. The cumulative effect of these chemicals is NEVER considered by individual manufacturers. These very chemicals have been shown in numerous studies to be hormone disruptive -leading to early puberty and infertility; and carcinogenic.
The fact that they are for sale in your supermarket or department store does NOT mean that they have actually been tested for human safety!
Unfortunately, government regulations are not stringent enough. Many chemicals that have been banned in the European Union and Japan are still in use in Australia. Many personal care products are NEVER tested for their safety.
For many years I worked in marketing departments of global personal care, cosmetics and cleaning products companies and used these products on a daily basis without ever suspecting there could be anything wrong with that. Education about dangers of chemicals is very important.
Here is one example: an antibacterial ingredient called ‘triclosan’ that is used in numerous toothpastes, liquid hand soap, nappies and cosmetics. It has been banned for several years in the EU from any products that come into contact with food. Here is an extract from the “SCCS/1414/11 Scientific Committee on Consumer Safety SCCS OPINION ON TRICLOSAN”:
“Three rodent lifetime bioassays have been conducted to evaluate the carcinogenic potential of triclosan. Triclosan produced hepatic effects and hepatic tumours in mice, but little evidence of toxicity and no tumours in rats. Hamsters showed increased liver toxicity relative to the rat, but no tumours. According to the EU classification system, triclosan is not considered classifiable as a carcinogen”.
How many mice need to get cancer before it’s a concern???
This is the US FDA’s current view on triclosan:
“Animal studies have shown that triclosan alters hormone regulation. However, data showing effects in animals don’t always predict effects in humans…..FDA does not have sufficient safety evidence to recommend changing consumer use of products that contain triclosan at this time“.
And this is the Australian situation: “Australian regulatory authorities listed triclosan as a poison under federal legislation, requiring ”strong label warnings and safety directions” for all cosmetics and personal care products containing more than 0.3 per cent triclosan. But documents posted on the federal health department website show moves to lower the cut-off level to 0.2 per cent were quashed following submissions claiming this ”would have widespread commercial implications for industry”. (
And this is just ONE example of a SINGLE ingredient! Many personal care and other common products contain numerous similar ingredients, many of which have been shown to be hormone disruptive and even carcinogenic.
What are we to do?
Take action!! Opt yourself and your family out of this vast ‘human experiment’ – as much as possible (Go and see this film!! Many chemicals within our environment and food supply are impossible for us to control. However, you can make INFORMED CHOICES every day when it comes to products for children, personal care, household cleaning, home products and many others.
-Read labels!
-Throw out any commercial cosmetic or cleaning product or other product in your home that is not organic or has chemical ingredients. Here is my final ‘cleanse’ of a huge box of cosmetics that I’ve inherited from my previous job and haven’t used in years, but still found hard to throw out (I think the shiny packaging was hard to let go of!). It’s in the bin TODAY.
-Choose organic products and those that come from reputable companies. Go to for a huge selection of safe organic products. The founder of Naturally Home is passionate about supporting small Australian companies and providing only the safest products
-Educate yourself! Go to– loads of information on unsafe ingredients and products
-Buy organic or chemical free fruit and veg!! Pesticides and fertilisers are some of the most harmful chemicals due to the vast quantities we ingest and their toxic hormonal and carcinogenic effects
-And finally, TELL SOMEONE about this!! This is just as outrageous as tobacco, lead, asbestos and numerous other poisons that have been inflicted on millions of people. Vote with your dollar- it’s the most effective way.
BE outraged and don’t support chemical laden products!