Hello and welcome to True Foods Nutrition
If you’ve been struggling with your health and have had no answers, it’s time to seek help through a holistic approach to uncover the underlying ROOT CAUSES of your health problems.
Here at True Foods Nutrition we thrive on putting together your unique health puzzle and restoring your health and well-being with specialists in:
Functional Health Testing
Herbal Medicine
Fertility & Pregnancy
Hormonal Health
Gut Health
Vegan and Vegetarian Diets
Skin Conditions
Weight Loss
The TFN Difference
What we think truly makes a difference and what we love to do with our patients is to put together the ‘puzzle pieces’ to form a real understanding of the TRUE CAUSES of health issues.
Founder Maria Allerton experienced her own extensive health journey, consulting with numerous conventional and complimentary health practitioners along the way and never found somebody who really ‘got it’ and could see through all the test results, symptoms, emotions and history and put it all together.
She decided to become that practitioner and that is what she thrives on in her clinic work, and the foundations of which she built True Foods Nutrition around including the services, programs, team, and research.
Maria, Elizabeth, Toni and Scott have each had their own health journeys and this is what has made them truly empathetic and driven practitioners, dedicated to helping you restore your health.
We use nutrition as a RESTORATIVE & PREVENTATIVE medicine.
We adopt a functional medicine approach to restoring your health and well-being which includes an investigation into your health history, presenting symptoms as well as the use of the latest functional pathology testing to find the underlying root causes of many conditions.
This is a holistic, collaborative approach which focuses on addressing your diet, nutrients, genetics, mind and environment – not just symptoms.
Meet the Team
Maria Allerton
Clinical Nutritionist, Functional Medicine Practitioner, Founder
Common conditions clients ask for our help with:
Digestive symptoms: constipation, diarrhoea, reflux, flatulence, bloating, digestive discomfort that you are told is ‘probably all in your head’. Conditions such as IBS, IBD/Crohn’s, SIBO, candida, bacterial imbalance, leaky gut
Hormonal symptoms: PMS, mood swings, ‘bloated-ness’, cravings, breast pain, irregular periods, excessive bleeding. Conditions such as PCOS, endometriosis, fibroids, hormonal dysregulation
Mental health symptoms: depression, anxiety, mood swings, OCD, ADHD, stress and overwhelm, phobias
Autoimmune symptoms: chronic pain, exhaustion, food intolerances, weight gain and many others. Conditions such as Hashimoto’s/Grave’s, MS, Crohn’s.
Children’s symptoms: fussy eating, eczema and other skin conditions, digestive troubles, respiratory issues, behaviour issues, food intolerances and allergies, hayfever and other respiratory symptoms, developmental and sensory processing issues. Autism spectrum disorders, Tourette’s syndrome and others.
Body & Mind symptoms: Emotional eating, weight gain, cravings, fatigue/lack of energy, low mood, sleep issues, pain, anxiety, stress management.
All of these common symptoms have roots in our diet, nutrient imbalances, lifestyle, genetics and environment.
Our aim is to find the TRUE CAUSES of symptoms and address fundamental imbalances to allow the body to heal itself.
It’s our mission to help others discover health, vitality and well-being through eating real food and re-balancing the body with the right nutritional supplements and lifestyle choices.
Our Nutrition Philosophy
We truly believe that numerous health conditions that are prevalent today have a DIRECT relationship to our food, as well as environment and lifestyle.
By finding the TRUE causes that underlie your health conditions it is possible to address these with diet, supplements, detoxification strategies and lifestyle changes.
Our approach is not ‘go on this diet, work out your protein/carbs/fats and you’ll be ok’.
Our approach is a holistic, systematic, comprehensive and evidence based plan that will enable you to make significant changes in your health with our specialist team as your guide.